So I’ve been meaning to do a post on this for quite a while, but the time has never really come up. Until now.
Smells Like Wargaming is pleased to be working with two amazing causes. First off, a good friend and client of mine, Magilla Gurilla, got in contact with me a couple months ago about his charity event, the Breachside Benevolence Ball, in Southern California. This quote, taken directly taken from the event page, sums up the reasoning behind it:
A few days ago, I had a barely formed idea that it would be nice if the Malifaux community could come together to raise money for a charity. The idea sprang to life when I learned that a friend had recently had a baby born that was very premature and born with Down syndrome. I had seen the Warhammer 40,000 community come together to raise money for charities and felt that the Malifaux community in general and hopefully the SoCal Malifaux community in particular could join together to raise money for the local Children’s Hospital, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital.
Magilla came to me asking if I could give him a discount on painting up a crew. I one-upped him and told him I could paint the crew up for free as my contribution to his event. Raising money for the Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital is a great cause, so check out the page and, if you feel obliged, help out the cause!
Breachside Benevolence Ball page:
Secondly, I’ve been a little slow to jump the gun on this one, but our local gaming group, Durango Diceworks, joined the Extra Life 2012 cause. We’re planning on a full on 24 hours of pure, unadulterated gaming, from a Blood Bowl tournament to narrative Warhammer and 40k, some Xbox, along with whatever else we decide needs to get played!
The Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is a great cause, and deserve every penny they receive. So I implore you all, click on my link and, again, if you feel so obliged, to donate some money to the cause!
Granesh’s Extra Life page:
Alrighty, this week is dedicated to getting the charity Malifaux crew done, along with some homework and various other projects too. Little teaser shot, how’s about a family Cultist shot?
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