Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tyranids: 2000 Point “Tervigon Tirade”


Tervigon (1)

Hey everyone,

So I wanted to share a list I’ve been wanting to run for a while. I ran it by Goatboy at WAR Games CON and he said it’d be ripped apart, but I think it’d be a ton of fun to play with. Is it competitive? Probably not. Is it fun? I hope so, I’m running it proxy tonight. Anyways, here we go.


  • Tervigon with Acid Blood and Onslaught
  • Tervigon with Adrenal Glands and Onslaught


  • Zoanthrope Brood of Two Zoanthropes
  • Zoanthrope Brood of Two Zoanthropes


  • Tervigon with Catalyst
  • Tervigon with Catalyst
  • Tervigon with Catalyst
  • Termagant Brood with Toxin Sacs
  • Termagant Brood with Toxin Sacs
  • Termagant Brood with Toxin Sacs



  • Trygon Prime with Adrenal Glands
  • Trygon Prime with Adrenal Glands

As I said, I’m hoping this list is a lot of fun. The Zoanthropes and Trygon Prime can change as needed, all that matters is the huge number of Tervigon on the board. It’s the true essence of the Tyranid army; none of this Swarmlord and Doom of Malan’tai on every board crap, just the endless swarm, true and hard. I know I’ll have problems with armor, but since almost everything is T6, I don’t care about most Blast Templates. I can hold objectives with swarms of Gants or a Monstrous Creature, and the Subterranean Assault means the Termagant Broods don’t need to weather the storm, but pop up in the backfield when they need to come in.

As usual Comments and Criticism is encouraged, just remember this list isn’t competitive, its for fun…yes, I think painting 100+ Gants could be fun….COULD is the key word.



  1. You need 2 venomthropes to buff the gaunts.

    Then wait to be charged on the gaunts instead of charging.

    I would might try for something else than the 2 Tyrgons, Winged warriors do well for a counter punch, there are a couple of other options.

  2. I did think about running the Venomthropes, I'll probably change that in the next list. The Trygons, as I said, are totally changable, though I think running one could be nice. I am trying to avoid things like the Doom, so I'll definitely look into the Winged Warriors! Thanks!
